10 Beautiful Hindi Baby Names Based On Sky

1. Aakash

Aakash means "sky" in Hindi, making it a direct and powerful choice for parents seeking a name that embodies the boundless expanse and serenity of the heavens.

2. Megha

Derived from the Hindi word for "cloud," Megha evokes the image of the sky draped in clouds, symbolizing freshness, nourishment, and the anticipation of rain.

3. Anaya

Anaya means "caring" or "compassionate" in Hindi. This name signifies the gentle and nurturing qualities of the sky, mirroring its ability to provide shelter and sustenance.

4. Varsha

Varsha translates to "rain" in Hindi, capturing the essence of the sky's life-giving gift. This name represents the celestial downpour that brings fertility, growth, and renewal.

5. Tarang

Tarang means "wave" in Hindi and metaphorically relates to the rhythmic movement of waves in the sky. It signifies the ever-changing and dynamic nature of the celestial sphere.

6. Divit

Derived from the Hindi word for "divine," Divit signifies the sacred and ethereal qualities associated with the sky. It represents the connection between the heavens and the Earth.

7. Nabh

Nabh translates to "firmament" or "sky" in Hindi. This name encapsulates the vastness, openness, and limitless possibilities of the celestial canopy that stretches above us.

8. Hridyansh

Hridyansh combines "hriday" (heart) and "ansh" (part), representing a piece of the sky in one's heart. It symbolizes a deep connection to the celestial realm and an appreciation for its beauty.

9. Kirtiman

Kirtiman means "crowned with glory" in Hindi. This name alludes to the radiant and illustrious qualities of the sky, likening a child to a regal presence in their own right.

10. Ishanya

Ishanya refers to the northeast direction, which is associated with the sky in Hindu mythology. This name embodies the sacredness and divinity of the celestial realm.


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