10 Best Books On History Of India You Must Read Once

The Great Indian Novel

A unique blend of history and fiction written by Shashi Tharoor.

The Argumentative Indian

Nobel laureate Amartya Sen offers thought-provoking insights into India's intellectual and cultural heritage.

India's Struggle For Independence

Bipan Chandra highlights the key personalities, events, and ideologies that shaped the nation's path to independence.

India After Gandhi

This book of Ramachandra Guha provides a compelling account of the country's political, social, and economic developments.

The Last Mughal

The Fall of a Dynasty, Delhi, 1857 by William Dalrymple.

India: A History

John Keay's book covers the country's rich past from ancient times to the present day

The Wonder That Was India

A classic work on Indian civilization written by A.L. Basham.

History Of Medieval India

This book written by R.S. Chaurasia deals with the medieval period of Indian history.

India's Ancient Past

A Social History Of The Lower Order Down To Circa A.d. 600. by R. S. Sharma.

The Discovery of India

Written by India's first PM, Jawaharlal Nehru, this book provides a broad survey of Indian history.


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