10 Best Chanakya Quotes On Making Friends, Allies

Jun 02, 2023

1. Single Does not move.

The state has two wheels . One is the ruler and the other is his ministers or assistants .

2. After equipping oneself fully , one should seek an Ally.

The ruler should have Discrimination and the wisdom of identifying and choosing trustworthy and suitable persons of ability to assist him.

3. The subjects being prosperous , leaderless kingdom can be governed.

In the absence of the king , the people because of their prosperity , make alternate arrangements and the state continues to run.

4. One who is learned and free from deceit should be made a minister

The ruler should appoint only those persons as his ministers who are learned and specialized in their fields and who are tried and tested.

5. People's Fury is above all the furies

The foremost duty of the ruler is to keep his people , happy and contented.

6. It is not possible to take decision without an adviser

An able ruler will choose his assistants wisely. These assistants are specialists in their own fields.

7. The true aide serves alike in prosperity and adversity.

Loyalty is the first quality of a good minister.

8. All the actions and plans begin with counsel.

For execution of any piece of work , methodical planing is very essential.

9. To be without a king is better than having an arrogant king.

The people expect soscour and sympathy from the ruler.

10. An impertinent person , However lovable , should not be taken into the counsel

The ruler should exclude an impolite and rude person from discussion of official matter regardless of love he may have for the latter.


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