10 Best Foods For Hair Growth


Spinach is full of edible fiber, spinach is a rich source of iron and zinc in addition to other essential vitamins and minerals which are good for hair growth.


Carrots are a rich store of Vitamin B7 or Biotin that is considered a healthy tonic for the hair.


Onions are also a helpful nutrient for the hair. It is an affluent source of zinc, iron and biotin, all of which are needful for hair growth.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene which helps in cell repair within the body.


Tomatoes are rich sources of the antioxidant, lycopene which helps to remove impurities and toxins from the surface of the scalp.


Garlic contains a very high sulfur content, which is considered best for hair re-growth.


Beetroots contain lycopene that helps to stimulate hair growth.

Curry Leaves

Curry leaves contain many beneficial compounds due to which it is considered an ideal tonic for hair growth and offers you lustrous hair.

French Beans

French beans are the richest source of Vitamins A and E which is needed for improving the luster and volume of hair.

Green Chilli

Rich store of keratin and Vitamin E, green chilies are excellent for fostering hair growth.


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