10 Birds That CAN'T FLY

1. Cassowary

Among birds that can’t fly, cassowaries enjoy a fearsome reputation, and also go by the name “world’s most dangerous bird.”

2. Takahe

The largest extant member of the rail family, it’s one of the rarest birds that can’t fly in the world. Once believed extinct in the wild, its population as of 2019 is around 418 individuals.

3. Kakapo

Kakapo is also known as owl parrot due to its owl-like features. Although they are birds that can't fly, Kakapos excel at climbing trees.

4. Kiwi

Among the birds that can’t fly, kiwis adapted some unique features that set them apart. Their wings are so small that they appear barely visible under its hairlike, brown-gray feathers.

5. Ostrich

The ostrich is the largest member of the ratite infraclass Palaeognathae and the most massive extant bird in the world. Due to their massive size, their puny wings mean they rank among the birds that can’t fly.

6. Weka

Another flightless bird from New Zealand, the Weka is part of the rail family. Also known as the woodhen, there exist four different subspecies, although this is hotly debated.

7. Steamer duck

Steamer ducks get their name from their habit of flapping their wings and feet when in the water. This behavior can make them look like a paddle steamer boat to the casual observer.

8. Penguin

The penguin is one of the most recognizable birds that can’t fly in the world. Penguins live only in Antarctica and split their time between the coasts and inland.

9. Flightless cormorant

Also known as the Galapagos cormorant, the flightless cormorant is unique among birds that can’t fly. It’s the only cormorant species that is unable to fly, and also one of the largest cormorants in the world.

10. Emu

The emu is the second-largest member of the ratites and extant species of bird in the world. They stand between 59 to 75 inches tall and weigh from 40 to 132 pounds.


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