10 Chanakya Quotes On Diplomacy

Zee Media Bureau
Sep 07, 2023

1. The Irreversible Power of Words

"A wise diplomat knows that words spoken are like arrows released from the bow; once they are out, they cannot be taken back."

2. Diplomacy: Winning Without Bloodshed

"Diplomacy is the art of winning without bloodshed."

3. The Mighty Tongue in Diplomacy

"In diplomacy, the tongue is mightier than the sword."

4. Virtues of a Diplomat

"A diplomat should be calm, composed, and patient. These are the virtues that can turn enemies into friends."

5. The Key to Successful Diplomacy

"The key to successful diplomacy is to understand the intentions of others while concealing your own."

6. Adaptability in Diplomacy

"A diplomat should always be ready to adapt and change course, for the world is constantly shifting."

7. Timing in Diplomacy

"In diplomacy, timing is everything. The right words at the wrong time can be as damaging as the wrong words at any time."

8. Building Bridges, Not Walls

"Diplomacy is the art of building bridges rather than walls."

9. The Essence of True Diplomacy

"True diplomacy lies in being able to maintain a balance between your interests and the interests of others."

10. Finding Common Ground

"The most effective diplomats are those who can find common ground even in the most contentious of situations."


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