10 Habits To Boost Your Mental Health

Ipsita Bhattacharya
Dec 13, 2023

Practise Gratitude

Pause your hectic schedule and stop to recognise all of the blessings that surround you. Practising gratitude, studies have shown, benefits your mental health. It allows you to intentionally focus your mind on positive things.

Connect With Loved Ones

Be it your family or friends, connect with loved ones regularly, even if it's via phone or the internet. Try to meet them up from time to time. People with strong friendships and emotional bonds tend to have more sound mental health.

Stay Active, Exercise

Be it your physical or mental health, the importance of staying active can't be stressed enough. Even if you are unable to hit the gym, ensure that you go for a walk or a quick cycle ride.

Eat Healthy

Include loads of veggies, fruits, and healthy fats in your diet - a healthy diet means a healthy body and a healthy mind. Poor gut health also affects you mentally.

Sleep Enough

While people tend to ignore the significance of sleep, the fact remains that poor or disturbed sleep will affect your mental health, make you cranky, lead to poor productivity at work, and lead to a general sense of unhappiness.

Unplug: Limit Social Media

Social media has taken over a large part of our lives and while it may not be feasible or even prudent to do away with it completely, restrict its use. Fix some time in the morning and evening for social media instead of browsing through them mindlessly throughout the day.

Pick Up A New Skill

Learning something new and practising it regularly will keep your mind stimulated, helping you overcome mental fatigue and lethargy.

Make Time For Leisure

Take some time out daily, no matter how busy you are, to pursue leisure activities like gardening, reading a book, watching a show you like or simply relaxing.

Keep A Journal

In a world where there's information overload, jotting down your thoughts in a journal can help you give expression to emotions that are crowding your mind at one given time.

Step Outside

Whether you are working from home or are a homemaker, make sure that you step outside your house daily at least for some time. It can be to do groceries, meet a friend or a take quick walk - going outdoors is essential for boosting mental health.


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