10 DIY Hair Packs For Monsoon

Jul 14, 2023

Honey and Milk

This pack will nourish your scalp, cleans the dirt, and tackle an oily scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo.


Yoghurt or curd helps beat the negative effect of acidic rainwater and humidity. Apply it to your locks, massage a bit, and rinse off after some time.


Soak fenugreek or methi seeds overnight and the next morning, grind them. Use little water if needed. Apply the paste on the scalp and keep it for 20 minutes. You can also use yoghurt.

Aloe Vera Gel

Once a week, apply fresh aloe vera gel on the scalp for 5 minutes before washing your hair. This will reduce hairfall, keep dandruff away, and also strengthen your hair roots.

Olive Oil

Mix one or two spoons of yoghurt in some olive oil and massage your hair and scalp. Leave it for some time and wash it off.


If you are not averse to the idea of using eggs as a hair mask, this can be an excellent choice. Egg whites help one to get rid of frizzy and brittle hair, a common problem in the rainy season.

Banana And Mayonnaise

Mash some bananas and to this, add some mayonnaise and mix well. Apply on the scalp and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Vinegar And Honey

Take a cup of hot water and add vinegar and honey in equal quantities. Apply the mixture onto your hair, leave it on for a few minutes, and wash off with a mild shampoo. This will help tackle that monsoon frizz.

Neem Leaves

Known for their anti-bacterial properties, neem leaves can be great to tackle itchy scalp in monsoon. Take some neem leaves and boil them till the water level decreases to half of the original level. After it cools down, pour it on your scalp and hair and rinse off with warm water.


Take amla or Indian gooseberry juice and mix it with equal portions of lemon juice and coconut oil and gently massage your scalp and over your hair. This will nourish your hair and also prevent hair fall in monsoon.


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