You might be tempted to have fruit juice to quench your thirst in summer and think it's healthy, but it can be causing you to gain weight. The process of juicing removes the fibre content of the fruit. When it comes to packaged fruit juices, they are loaded with added sugars, which can quickly increase calorie intake.
Coffee drinks with sugar are high in calories. If you drink them regularly, it can lead to weight gain. Limit your intake or use low calories sweeteners in place of sugar.
You might be having cookies regularly with your evening or morning tea but they are loaded with calories and high in sugar, which can cause weight gain.
Don't think all breakfast cereals are good for health. In fact, many commercial brands are highly refined and contain sugar which can cause weight gain. Opt for low-sugar, whole-grain varieties.
While they are overall healthy, dried fruits are calorie-dense. So be mindful of the portion and not overeat them.
High in calories and sugars, smoothies can lead to weight gain especially if they are consumed too frequently. Smoothies made of fruits and veggies are good for health but they should be had in moderate quantities.
If you go by the ads, granola bars are promoted as healthy snack options. But they are high in added sugars and fats and if had frequently, can lead to weight gain.
While it's touted as a healthier option as compared to white bread, it still has carbohydrates and calories. Balance it with fruits and other nutrient-dense food and mind the portion.
Are you fond of that nut butter and use them as a bread spread? Be cautious as many commercial nut butter brands add oils, sugars, and artificial additives that can increase your calorie intake and cause weight gain.
Having salads because you are watching your weight? But be wary of high-calorie dressings that contain unhealthy fats, and artificial additives that can lead to weight gain.