10 Foods That Look Like Human Body Parts

Zee Media Bureau
Nov 30, 2023

Avocadoes - Uterus

The shape of avocados bears a resemblance to the structure of the uterus.

Tomatoes - Heart

Sliced tomatoes can resemble the chambers of the heart, making them a symbolic representation.

Walnuts - Brain

The convoluted shape of a walnut shell is often associated with the appearance of the human brain.

Carrots - Eyes

Carrots, with their round shape and vibrant colour, are often linked to the appearance of human eyes.

Ginger - Stomach

The knotted, irregular shape of ginger can be reminiscent of the stomach.

Kidney Beans - Kidney

Kidney beans, as the name suggests, share a visual similarity with human kidneys.

Celery - Bones

The long, fibrous strands of celery can be reminiscent of the structure of bones.

Mushrooms - Ear

The shape and contours of certain mushrooms can be likened to the human ear.

Red Wine - Blood

The deep red colour of red wine has led to symbolic associations with blood.

Grapes - Lungs

Grapes, when arranged in clusters, can visually resemble the structure of lungs.


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