10 Things You Didn't Know About Potatoes

Vegetable or Fruit?

Potato is a vegetable

Rich In Fiber

It beats oranges in having more vitamin C, bananas with more potassium, and apples with more fiber

Beneficial For Health

They may benefit heart health, digestion, immune system strength, and fluid balance

Used For Alcohol

They could be used to make alcoholic beverages such as Vodka, Akvavit, or Poitn

Were Worth Gold

Potatoes were traded directly with gold in the 1890s because of their high worth due to their necessary Vitamin C concentration

Daily Consumption

Every day, almost a billion individuals consume at least one potato. The average annual potato consumption in the US is 140 pounds

Colored Potato

Potato is also available in a striking blue-violet hue. A gourmet French potato variety is vitelotte noire. It has antioxidant properties

National Potato Day

Every August 19 and October 27, there is National Potato Day (or days)

World's Largest Potato

The world saw the largest potato ever grown in 2010 by farmer Peter Glazebrook which was 8lb 4oz

Comes From A Spanish Word

It came from the Spanish word ‘patata’ in the 1950s, from the Caribbean language ‘batata’ or “sweet potato”


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