10 Grains That Can Help To Keep Warm This Winter

Zee Media Bureau
Nov 16, 2023


Quinoa is a nutrient-rich grain that provides a steady release of energy, helping to keep you warm during the colder months. Packed with protein and fibre, it contributes to a sense of fullness and sustained warmth.


Rye is a hearty grain known for its warming properties and ability to maintain body heat. With a robust flavour, it's a great addition to winter dishes for both nutrition and comfort.


Barley is a versatile grain that, when consumed, releases energy slowly, providing a lasting feeling of warmth.


Buckwheat is a warming grain that supports circulation and provides a sense of internal heat. Its nutty flavour makes it a cozy addition to winter porridges and dishes.


Millet is a warming grain with a comforting, earthy taste, making it a great choice for winter meals. High in calcium and other nutrients, it contributes to overall well-being during colder weather.

Brown Rice

Brown rice is a whole grain that releases energy steadily, helping to maintain body warmth.


Amaranth, a gluten-free grain, is packed with protein and iron, making it a nourishing choice for winter. Its hearty nature and versatility make it suitable for a variety of warming recipes.


Oats are a classic winter grain known for their ability to provide sustained energy and warmth. High in fibre and complex carbohydrates, they contribute to a feeling of fullness and internal heat.


Farro is high in fibre and protein, providing a satisfying and warming addition to various dishes.


Spelt also known as dinkel wheat or hulled wheat is an ancient grain that is easier to digest than some other grains, making it a cozy and nutritious choice for colder days.


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