10 Healthy Monsoon Snacks

Roasted Almonds

Toss 1 cup of raw almonds. Roast on an oiled baking sheet at 180 degree Celsius, stirring occasionally until golden brown.

Popcorn with Super Seeds

This wholesome snack is great for those on the go and won’t get bad after being in your bag all day.

Chilli Spread Pumpkin Seeds

This popular late night munchy is a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid that your body converts into serotonin which in turn is converted into melatonin – the sleep hormone.

Apple Sandwiches

This is a light snack yet very satiating. Remember, what you snack may affect your weight, more than how much or how often you nibble.

Sweet Potato Strip

Slice 1 sweet potato lengthwise into thin strips. Toss with 2 teaspoons olive oil and roast.

Cheesy Celery Sticks

Mix ¼ cup Greek yoghurt or hung curd with 2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese.

Tomato Pizzas

Skip the regular pizza with this healthy option because the right amount of small bites can slim you down and power you up.

Cheese and Walnut Stuffed Dates

Divide 1 tablespoon goat cheese among four pitted dates. Top them with four toasted walnuts.

Grilled Fruit Salad

Take plums, peaches, apples and pineapples, cut into cubes, and toss them with a squeeze of lemon. Insert the pieces in skewers, and grill them for about 10 minutes.

Air-Fried Pistachios

Just air fry ½ cup pistachios with sea salt and sit back with a cup of your favorite herbal tea and experience bliss.


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