10 Highly Poisonous Plants

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 09, 2023


This plant contains tropane alkaloids, which can cause delirium, hallucinations, and potentially lethal effects in large quantities.


All parts of this shrub are highly toxic, containing cardiac glycosides that can cause severe heart issues if ingested.

Castor Bean Plant

The seeds of this plant contain ricin, a potent toxin that can be deadly even in small amounts.


Aconitum (Monkshood or Wolfsbane): All parts of this plant contain alkaloids that can lead to cardiac arrest and respiratory failure.

Yew - Taxus Species

This plant contains coniine and other alkaloids, leading to paralysis and respiratory failure in severe cases.

Yew - Taxus Species

The seeds and leaves of the yew tree contain toxic alkaloids that can cause cardiac arrest.

Deadly Hemlock

Similar in name to water hemlock but from a different genus, this plant also contains highly toxic cicutoxin.

Angel's Trumpet

This plant contains tropane alkaloids, causing delirium and potentially fatal effects.

Autumn Crocus

The entire plant is toxic, containing colchicine, which can lead to severe gastrointestinal and organ damage.

Water Hemlock

Often considered one of North America's most toxic plants, water hemlock contains cicutoxin, which affects the nervous system and can be fatal.


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