10 Home Remedies To Control High Blood Pressure

Good Sleep

Having better sleep can help reduce hypertension as a sleep cycle of less than 6 hours can increase the risk for the problem.

Maintain Healthy Weight

Maintaining a good weight is important for overall good health.

Reduce Stress

An increase in stress is directly proportional to an increase in blood pressure.

Healthy Diet

Having a diet rich in fruit, and vegetables is advised for people suffering from high blood pressure.

Regular Exercise

Having regular physical activity can reduce blood pressure by around 5 to 8 mm Hg.

Reduce Salt

Reduction of Sodium in daily diet can have a significant difference in blood pressure.

Limit Alcohol

Reduced alcohol intake can help lower blood pressure by around 4 mm Hg.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can increase heart-related problems, hence it is advised to quit smoking.

Monitor Blood Pressure

Monitoring blood pressure regularly can keep you informed about the risks.

Get Support

Supporting family and friends is important to help you keep on track.


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