10 Homemade Face Scrubs For Glowing Skin

Honey and Brown Sugar Scrub:

Mix honey and brown sugar to create a gentle exfoliating scrub that also moisturizes.

Oatmeal and Yogurt Scrub:

Combine finely ground oatmeal with yogurt to soothe and exfoliate your skin.

Coffee Grounds Scrub:

Used coffee grounds can be mixed with a bit of olive oil for an energizing scrub.

Almond and Honey Scrub:

Crushed almonds blended with honey make an excellent scrub for brighter skin.

Lemon and Sugar Scrub:

Mix sugar with fresh lemon juice for a natural brightening and exfoliating scrub.

Banana and Sugar Scrub:

Mash a ripe banana and add sugar for a gentle, hydrating scrub.

Avocado and Oatmeal Scrub:

Blend avocado with oatmeal for a moisturizing and nourishing scrub.

Coconut Oil and Sea Salt Scrub:

Combine coconut oil with sea salt for a refreshing and hydrating scrub.

Papaya and Honey Scrub:

Mash papaya and mix with honey to exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin.

Cucumber and Sugar Scrub:

Puree cucumber and sugar for a cooling and exfoliating scrub.


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