10 Homemade Ways To Keep Mosquitoes At Bay


Consuming garlic or rubbing it on your skin can help repel mosquitoes due to its strong odour.

Neem Oil

Neem oil has mosquito-repellent properties. Dilute it with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin.


Burning camphor tablets or placing them in a bowl with water can deter mosquitoes by its aroma.

Lavender Oil

The scent of lavender oil can be effective in keeping mosquitoes at bay. You can apply it on your skin or use it in a diffuser.


Planting basil around your home or applying basil oil can be effective in mosquito control.


Planting lemongrass around your home or using lemongrass oil can act as a natural mosquito repellent.

Coffee Grounds

Mosquitoes dislike the smell of coffee grounds. Sprinkle used coffee grounds in areas where you want to deter them.

Lemon and Cloves

Cut a lemon in half and stud it with cloves. Place it on a plate to keep mosquitoes away or make a solution of the two and spray the liquid.


Crush fresh mint leaves and rub them on your skin or place mint plants near windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

Tea Tree Oil

Mixing tea tree oil with water and using it as a spray can help repel mosquitoes.


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