10 Japanese Cooking Tips for a Healthier, Longer Life

Vani Verma
Sep 30, 2024

Eat small portions

Japan, relying on seafood like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, benefits from omega-3 fatty acids that boost heart health, and brain function, reduce inflammation, and promote longevity.

Eat fermented foods

Fermented foods like miso, natto, and soy sauce are rich in probiotics, promoting gut health, stronger immunity, better digestion, and mental well-being, making them ideal for a balanced diet that supports longevity.

Steal servings of rice

Rice is a staple in Japanese meals, often served in small portions alongside various side dishes, while brown rice, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, promotes healthy digestion and stabilizes energy, making it a nutritious alternative to refined grains.

Use less oil and sugar

Japanese cuisine emphasizes steaming, simmering, and grilling over deep frying, using minimal oil and producing less sweet cakes than Western desserts, helping to reduce fats and sugars and prevent obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Eat more seafood

Japan, as an island nation, relies on omega-3-rich seafood like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, which promote heart health, and brain function, reduce inflammation, and contribute to longevity.

Cook with umami-rich ingredients

Umami, often described as savoury or meaty, is abundant in Japanese cuisine, with ingredients like mushrooms, soy sauce, miso, and seaweed adding depth without excessive salt or sugar, promoting enhanced flavours and healthier eating habits.

Make use of plant-based ingredients

A diet rich in vegetables, tofu, and seaweed, and high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, like vegan diets, can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer and diabetes, promoting a healthier, nutrient-rich lifestyle.

Drink green tea regularly

Matcha green tea is a staple in Japan, rich in antioxidants called catechins that reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and promote heart health, making it a beneficial addition to daily life for detoxification and longevity.

Seasonal food selection

Fresh fruits and vegetables are staples in traditional Japanese meals, offering peak flavor and maximum nutrition when eaten in season. Prioritizing local, fresh ingredients ensures the best health benefits.

Eat mindfully

In Japan, the slow and appreciative process of eating promotes mindful consumption, enhancing digestion and allowing for a deeper appreciation of flavors, while reducing stress and improving one’s relationship with food.


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