10 Makeup Mistakes You Should Not Make

Not Preparing Your Skin

Skipping skincare before makeup can lead to a less smooth and flawless application. Cleanse and moisturize your skin before starting your makeup routine.

Using the Wrong Foundation Shade

Choosing the wrong foundation shade can result in an unnatural look. Always test foundation on your jawline to find the closest match to your skin tone.

Over-applying Foundation

Applying too much foundation can make your makeup look heavy and cakey. Use a light hand and build coverage gradually.

Not Blending Your Foundation Into Your Neck

Ensure your foundation seamlessly blends into your neck to avoid a noticeable line of demarcation between your face and neck.

Not Blending Your Makeup

Blending is key for a natural look. Ensure that your foundation, concealer, and other products are well blended to avoid harsh lines.

Using Too Much Concealer

Overusing concealer can draw attention to areas you want to conceal. Use a minimal amount and blend well to achieve a natural finish.


Applying too much contour can result in an overly sculpted and unnatural appearance. Keep contouring subtle for a more natural effect.


Excessive powder can make your makeup look dry and settle into fine lines. Use a light hand when applying powder, especially on drier areas.

Not Blending Your Eyeshadow Well

Poorly blended eyeshadow can look messy and unpolished. Take the time to blend your eyeshadow for a seamless transition between colours.

Not Using Bronzer and Blush

Skipping bronzer and blush can leave your face looking flat. Apply these products strategically to add warmth and dimension to your complexion.


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