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The practice of wake-up early should be taught right from the start.
Brushing your teeth twice a day - this habit must be inculcated in kids.
They say, it is important to have a kingsize breakfast and kids should be made aware of the benefits of not skipping their first meal of the day.
Eating right on the dining table is a must and basic etiquette class would never hurt anyone.
Before heading for school, kids must check their bags to not miss out on anything.
Kids must be taught to say a word of 'thank you' or prayer to the almighty in the morning for a day full of contentment.
Soon after waking up, freshening up and getting on with that bath to feel energetic is so important.
Waking up early is only possible if there is a proper 8-hour sleep cycle in place. Ensure that your kids follow it.
This one is also quite important and must be taught from the right age. You must teach your kid to set the bed right after waking up.
In the morning, kids must not be given mobiles or Ipads to hop on to.