10 Most Expensive Fruits In The World

White Jewel Strawberries

Japan's white jewel strawberries are especially opulent. A single berry might cost up to Rs .820.38

Sekai-Ichi Apples

Sekai-Ichi apples from Japan are among the largest in the world and have a moderate flavor. The cost of one of these specialty apples begins at Rs. 1,640.69

Buddha-Shaped Pears

A Chinese farmer used a special mold to make a Buddha-shaped pear after several years of trying to perfect the method. Each pair costs around Rs. 656.28

Yubari King Melon

The Yubari King melon is the pinnacle of Japanese luxury fruit, selling for almost Rs 16,406.92 per piece. It is grown only in Yubari, a small hamlet in Japan's Hokkaido area

Square Watermelon

Square watermelons cost roughly Rs. 8,203.85 and are designed to fit more readily into small Japanese refrigerators. They are also easy to ship due to their form

Dekopon Citrus

If a mandarin grew to be over a pound in weight, it would resemble a dekopon citrus fruit. A six-pack of these huge orange fruits costs around Rs. 6,562.84

Miyazaki Mango

The Miyazaki Mango is prized for its high sugar content and beautiful coloring. These mangoes range in price from Rs. 4,101.80 to Rs. 2,95,329.60 per piece.

Densuke Watermelon

Densuke watermelons, which start at Rs. 20,509, are famed for being almost seedless and exceptionally sweet. Densuke watermelons are possibly the most expensive watermelon cultivar available

Ruby Roman Grapes

A single bunch of these grapes can cost anything from Rs. 7,383 to Rs. 36,916. Only 24,000 bunches are created each year, making them extremely rare

Lost Gardens of Heligan Pineapple

Pineapples cultivated in Cornwall's Lost Gardens of Heligan, in the southwest of England, sell for about Rs. 12,30,547.50 per pineapple 


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