10 Monsoon Fruits That Strengthens Immunity


Known as the king of fruits, mangoes are widely loved and eagerly anticipated during the monsoon season. They come in various varieties and are juicy, sweet, and packed with flavor.


Litchis are succulent, juicy fruits with a sweet and slightly tart taste. They are abundantly available during the monsoon and provide a refreshing treat.


Also known as black plum or Java plum, jamun is a small, purple-colored fruit with a unique sweet and tangy flavor. It's rich in antioxidants and has a cooling effect on the body.


Monsoon is the peak season for cherries, and they are a delightful treat during this time. These small, juicy fruits are known for their vibrant colors and sweet taste.


Peaches are another delicious monsoon fruit. They have a soft, velvety skin and a sweet, juicy flesh that is a perfect balance of tanginess and sweetness.


Plums come in various colors, such as red, purple, and yellow. They are sweet, juicy, and rich in vitamins and minerals, making them a healthy and enjoyable monsoon fruit.


Pomegranates are known for their vibrant red seeds and their tangy-sweet taste. They are packed with antioxidants and offer a refreshing burst of flavor during the monsoon.


Although papayas are available year-round, they tend to be especially delicious during the monsoon. They have a luscious, buttery texture and a sweet, tropical taste.


Monsoon is a time when watermelons are at their best. These large, juicy fruits are incredibly hydrating and refreshing, making them an ideal choice to beat the monsoon heat.


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