10 Plants That Bring Good Luck

Rubber Plant

Rubber Plants are considered very lucky by Feng Shui. They are synonymous with abundance.

Jade Plant

Jade symbolises growth and regeneration and is considered a very favourable plant for home and office.

Areca Palm

Good for family's health, prosperity, and peace - Areca Palm is considered a lucky plant by Feng Shui.


Holy Tulsi or Basil is considered one of the most powerful plants according to Vastu Shastra.

Money Plant

Requiring little maintenance, the money plant is known to bring wealth and good luck to the house. They also help overcome financial difficulties.

Bamboo Plant

Bamboo is a good luck plant associated with good fortune and health.


Keep this plant in front of the house or any outdoor space to attract good luck.


While the leaves and oil of eucalyptus have medicinal properties, this plant is considered very lucky.

Snake Plant

This is a lucky plant that purifies the environment by absorbing toxins and reducing allergens present in the air.

Peace Lily

As the name suggests, these plants are associated with peace, prosperity and sympathy.


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