10 Popular Classical Dances Of India

Bharatnatyam- Tamil Nadu

Bharatnatyam is based on the Sanskrit Hindu text, ‘Natya Shastra’. The repertoire of the dance includes ‘nrita, nritya and natya’.

Kathak- Uttar Pradesh

There are three specific forms of Kathak, referred to as ‘gharanas’, the famous being Lucknow gharana, Jaipur gharana and Benaras gharana.

Kathakali- Kerala

The storytelling in Kathakali is beautifully performed with notable footwork, facial gestures and hand movements along with music and vocal performance called Soppannam.

Kuchipudi- Andhra Pradesh

Kuchipudi dance form is considered as good as a religious ceremony. This dance-drama performance art is conducted by a Sutradhar.

Manipuri- Manipur

Manipuri dance is primarily based on Vaishnavism, depicting the bond of love between Radha and Krishna and the graceful performance of ‘Ras Leela’

Odissi- Orissa

The Odissi dancers emote devotional poems, religious and mythical stories with graceful body movements, sign language, and impressive facial expressions.

Mohiniyattam- Kerala

The dance is performed by a female in Manipravala language which is a blend of Sanskrit and Malayalam.

Bhangra/Gidda- Punjab

‘Bhangra’ is an extremely energetic and enthralling dance with various athletic feats and tricks.

Sattriya- Assam

The dance comprises ‘ankiya bhaona’ and Ojapali in which the singer acts and sings with a group of dancers who play cymbals.

Chhau- West Bengal

This Indian dance aims at storytelling from the ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’.


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