10 Signs That You're Being Manipulated

(All Pics Credit: freepik)

Olivia Sarkar
Aug 11, 2024

Sudden Changes in Behaviour

They display sudden mood swings or unpredictable behavior to keep you off balance.

Emotional Blackmail

They use your emotions against you to get what they want, often threatening to withdraw affection.

Inconsistent Actions

Their words and actions don’t match, creating confusion and doubt in you.

Overwhelming Compliments

Excessive flattery is used to lower your defenses and make you more pliable.


Your feelings or memories are dismissed or distorted, making you question your sanity.


You’re isolated from friends or family, making you more dependent on the manipulator.

Blame Shifting

When things go wrong, the blame is always placed on you, regardless of the actual cause.

Constant Criticism

You face ongoing criticism, which undermines your self-esteem and confidence.

Excessive Guilt

You’re made to feel guilty for things you haven’t done or for setting boundaries.

Doubt Your Own Perceptions

You often question your own thoughts or feelings, and second-guess your reality.


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