10 Strange Facts About Babies

(Pic Courtesy: Pexels Freepik)

Their stomach size

It is said that newborn babies' stomachs are the size of a walnut, this is usually enough to accommodate 0.5 to 1 ounce (oz) of liquids.

Newborns are natural swimmers

According to Pbcexpo.com, babies are born with a 'diving reflex' known as a bradycardic response.

Only Colour Red

As per studies, the Colour red has the longest wavelength that comes out from white light. Therefore, the newborns can see this colour through his/her blurry vision at the start.

Newborns are tear-free

It is around 2 weeks, that your baby’s lacrimal glands will begin increasing their production of tears.

Respond to music

Many studies have shown that babies can respond to music and different types of melodies.

Do they have kneecaps?

According to a Healthline report, newborns have a piece of cartilage in their knee joint which forms during the embryonic stage of fetal development. Babies do have kneecaps made of cartilage.

Baby Smiles

Well, human newborns are the only species that smile at their parents, reports pbcexpo.com

Hair Tale Of Newborns

The baby hair of many newborns falls out during the first 6 months.

Only sweet and sour

Yes, after birth the tastebuds of a newborn are very sensitive and therefore they like the taste of breast milk.

Babies are born with 300 bones

Well, that makes it 94 more than adults. These eventually fuse to form the 206 bones that adults have.


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