10 Summer Wedding Tips You Should Keep In Mind

Choose The Right Venue

Consider outdoor venues with shade or indoor locations with air conditioning to keep guests comfortable in the summer heat.

Plan For The Weather

Prepare for hot weather by providing sunscreen, fans, or handheld paper fans for guests to stay cool.

Time Your Ceremony Wisely

Schedule your ceremony for the late afternoon or early evening when temperatures are cooler.

Opt For Light And Breathable Fabrics

Select wedding attire made from lightweight fabrics like chiffon, organza, or linen to stay comfortable in the heat.

Provide Hydration Stations

Keep guests refreshed by offering water stations, infused water, or refreshing beverages throughout the event.

Offer Refreshing Treats

Serve icy drinks, popsicles, or a refreshing signature cocktail to cool down guests during the reception.

Consider The Menu

Opt for light and refreshing food options, such as salads, fruit platters, and grilled dishes, rather than heavy or greasy meals.

Decorate With Summer Elements

Embrace the season by incorporating summer-inspired decorations like flowers, fruits, and vibrant colors into your wedding theme.

Bug-Proof The Venue

Use citronella candles, bug repellents, or consider a venue with screens or netting to keep bugs at bay during the outdoor event.

Communicate With Guests

Keep guests informed about the outdoor nature of the wedding, dress code suggestions, and any special instructions to ensure they are prepared and comfortable.


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