10 Superfoods To Improve Your Sex Drive


Watermelons contain citrulline - an amino acid that relaxes and dilates blood vessels. The same function is performed by libido-boosting medicines that are used to treat erectile dysfunction.


Eggs promote a healthy libido, stabilise hormone levels, and lowers stress, thanks to the high concentration of Vitamins B6 and B5. All these make egg an excellent superfood to boost sexual health.

Green, Leafy Vegetables

Leafy veggies like spinach are rich in magnesium, which decreases blood vessel inflammation and increases blood circulation. Other veggies like broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts are also great when it comes to improving sexual health.

Nuts And Seeds

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E which aids in the production of hormones that boost libido. Meanwhile, pistachios are a natural source of copper, manganese, and zinc, which help men in maintaining an erection.


Bananas are a rich source of potassium which effectively counters your body's sodium intake, resuming the flow of blood to the genitalia, making it a little easier for you to reach the climax during sex.


Fishes like salmons, sardines, and tuna are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids and they increase the levels of the happy hormone dopamine in the blood. This can go a long way in leaving you feeling sexually aroused.

Dark Chocolate

Here's another excuse to eat dark chocolate, if you needed one! They contain L-arginine, an amino acid that can act as a natural booster for sex drive and also improve blood flow in your organs.


Oysters contain a high level of zinc, a mineral that is known to aid in the production of testosterone, which in turn boosts sex drives.


This is often considered a natural aphrodisiac. Saffron heightens the production of estrogen, serotonin, and other feel-good hormones in the bloodstream and also lowers anxiety - all of which improve your sex life.


Yes, coffee can help with your sex drive but make sure to have it in moderation! According to some studies, 2-3 cups of coffee every day can help in boosting libido in men.


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