10 Things To Avoid On Dinner Table

Jun 16, 2024

Interrupting Others

Interrupting others while they are speaking is considered impolite and can disrupt the flow of conversation.

Using Mobile Phones

Using mobile phones during dinner can be disrespectful and detracts from the quality time spent with family and friends.

Talking with Mouth Full

Talking with your mouth full of food is not only impolite but also makes it difficult for others to understand you.

Chewing Loudly

Chewing loudly or with your mouth open can be off-putting to others and is generally considered bad manners.

Negative Conversations

Bringing up negative or controversial topics can create tension and discomfort at the dinner table.

Reaching Across the Table

Reaching across the table for items can invade others' personal space; it's better to ask someone to pass what you need.

Playing with Food

Playing with food can be seen as disrespectful and wasteful, especially when others may not have enough to eat.

Criticizing the Food

Criticizing the food can hurt the host's feelings; it's more polite to focus on what you do like or keep criticisms to yourself.

Eating Before Everyone Is Served

Starting to eat before everyone is served can be seen as inconsiderate; it's polite to wait until everyone has their food.


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