10 Tips To Deal With A Stubborn Child

Ipsita Bhattacharya
Dec 19, 2023

Stubbornness In Children

Dealing with stubborn children is easier said than done, but parents need to be calm and controlled to ensure that stubbornness is dealt with firmly but not unkindly. Here are 10 tips to deal with a stubborn kid. While these are generic suggestions, you should always consult a specialist if situation frequently goes out of control. (Images by Freepik)

Listen To You Child

Stubborn kids often have strong opinions and tend to argue. But as an adult, you have to set the example that communication is important and that you are willing to listen.

Set Ground Rules Early

The earlier you start, the better the chances of bringing up disciplined kids. Set up some ground rules about acceptable behaviour, even as you communicate your love for them is unconditional.

Don't Say 'Yes' Always

It might be just an ice cream or a chocolate, but you must learn to say no to your child. Saying yes always will spoil them and aggravate their stubbornness.

Don't Say 'No' Always

While you should not give in to every whim of your child, you should not also say 'no' every time. Strike a balance so that they don't get to resent you.

Connect, Don't Force

If you force a stubborn child to do something, it will only make them even more stubborn. Instead, connect with your child and try to make them understand things.

Pick Your Battles

Don't make your disagreement with your child an ego issue. Pick your battles - be strict when required but when you know it's a small thing, don't shy away from indulging.

Stay Calm

It's easy to lose your cool when a child has a meltdown but shouting at a screaming child will only make things worse and things will go out of control. So the key is to stay calm.

Identify Your Child's Trigger

Every child has a trigger that sets them off or makes them even more argumentative. Know the triggers and act accordingly.

Understand Child's Behaviour

However much tempted you may feel to blame the child and yell at them - yes it's very much natural at times - remember, you are the adult. Maturity can't be expected of a kid, it's for you to understand their perspective. You can empathise even without giving in.

Punishment Won't Help

It's the 21st century and you must know that punishing a kid is not the right way to discipline a child. It will only make them more stubborn and hostile.


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