10 Tips To Hydrate Chapped Lips In Winter

Use a Hydrating Lip Balm

Choose a lip balm that contains moisturizing ingredients such as beeswax, shea butter, cocoa butter, or coconut oil. Apply it throughout the day and before bedtime.

Avoid Licking Your Lips

While it might be a natural reaction to lick chapped lips, saliva can actually worsen the dryness. Saliva evaporates quickly, leaving the lips even drier.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep your body and skin hydrated from the inside out. Hydrated skin is less prone to chapping.

Protect Lips from Harsh Weather

Use a scarf or a high-collar jacket to shield your lips from cold winds and low temperatures. This can prevent further moisture loss.

Exfoliate Gently

Use a mild lip scrub to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. This helps your lip balm penetrate more effectively.

Humidify Your Living Space

Use a humidifier in your home, especially in the bedroom. Adding moisture to the air can prevent lips from drying out in the first place.

Apply Natural Oils

Consider using natural oils like almond oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil to hydrate and soothe chapped lips. These oils provide a protective barrier and nourish the skin.

Choose a Lip Balm with Sunscreen

Lips are susceptible to sun damage, even in winter. Opt for a lip balm with SPF to protect against harmful UV rays.

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

Caffeine and alcohol can contribute to dehydration, affecting your lips. Be mindful of your consumption and balance it with water intake.

Avoid Fragrances and Irritants

Choose lip products that are fragrance-free and devoid of potential irritants. Fragrances and certain additives can exacerbate chapped lips.


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