10 Tips To Keep Pet Dogs And Cats Happy

Stick to a Healthy Diet

Don't let your pet snack on junk food just because you do. Keep their feeding schedule and regular food as much as possible

Play Some Mind Games

Challenge your pet's brain by teaching them new tricks or skills. It's a fun way to bond and tire them out

Be a Considerate Roommate

Don't blast loud music or TV shows that might annoy your pet. Remember, they have better hearing than you and might get stressed

Let Them Chew it Out

When you need some peace and quiet, give your pet a long-lasting treat to chew on. It will keep them busy and happy.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

Burn off some stress and energy by exercising with your pet. It's good for both of you to stay active and fit

Create a “Safe Spot”

Your pet may need a place to escape from the crowd and feel secure. This is especially true for cats

Get Creative!

Make your own toys and games for your pet with things you have at home. It will prevent them from destroying your stuff

Keep Their Routine

Don't let your pet's routine go haywire just because yours did. Stick to their usual feeding, walking, and playing times

Give Them Rest Time

Your pet may miss having some alone time when you're always home. Try to give them some quiet time to nap and relax

Get Kids Involved

If you have kids at home, let them help with taking care of your pet. Teach them how to be gentle and respectful with your pet


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