10 Tips To Protect Yourself From Dengue

Reduce Mosquito Habitat

Mosquitoes thrive in stagnant water, such as flower pots, plastic covers and containers, pet water bowls, and so on.

Stay In Well-Screened Houses

Check that all of your windows are properly closed from dawn to night and that the door screens are not broken.

Use Mosquito Repellents

Using mosquito repellents is another strategy to avoid mosquito bites and prevent dengue illness.

Wear Protective Clothing

If you are travelling to, or live in dengue-infested areas, it is advised to wear full-sleeved clothes, full pants, along with socks and covered shoes.

Sleep Under Mosquito-Net

Sleeping under a mosquito net provides a second layer of protection against mosquito bites for you and your children.

Do Not Let Water Stagnate

Stagnant water serves as a breeding ground for a variety of mosquitos that transmit diseases such as dengue and malaria.

Keep Your House Airy And Well-Lit

Make sure your home is well-lit with sunlight to deter them from entering.

Time Your Outings

It is best to avoid going out on such days to avoid getting dengue fever.

Dispose Of Waste

Plastic garbage contributes to the reproduction of dengue vectors, increasing the risk of dengue transmission.

Boost your Immunity

It is advised to consume fruits and vegetables high in vitamins C and K.


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