10 Ways To Fight Porn Addiction

1. First, you must acknowledge the addiction exists.

Recognise that you have a problem and seek help. Many who are caught in the trap of addiction will adamantly deny the problem.

2. Create a Support system

Having other people to help and support you along the way can make it easier to work towards recovery. You can talk to s therapist or join a support group.

3. The spectrum of compulsion

Many people are completely unaware of the proven harms of pornography and go for years without realizing how it’s affecting them.

4. Evaluate the reasons you watch pornography.

Frequently, a porn obsession is not actually just about satisfying a sexual need. Instead, it usually has to do with a failure to cope properly with overwhelming emotions or pain and seeing porn as an escape from that.

5. Practice Meditation

Establish a daily or weekly time frame for viewing pornography. Practice mindfulness meditation or other relaxation techniques.

6. Consider therapy and support groups.

Just like if you have weak knees, you might consider physical therapy to strengthen them, similarly, if your mind needs strengthening when it comes to resisting pornography. You can talk to a therepist or join a support group.

7. Understand you’re not alone

The first step toward kicking any habit is getting out of a shameful mentality. Watching porn is one of those things people don’t often talk about, and there can be a lot of shame wrapped up in it.

8. Read up on what you’re up against

Grabbing some good reading material from the experts is wise as you start the journey.

9. Delete all apps

Delete all porn from your devices and consider installing a parental lock to make it harder to watch porn.

10. Set boundaries with your mobile device.

Nowadays, our smartphones and tablets are even more of a gateway to pornography than a desktop computer. Set boundaries and use software to monitor all online activity.


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