Refined carbs such as refined flour are the main reason for weight gain in many. Eating refined carbs can lead to blood sugar spikes and fat accumulation
Add various facial exercises to your daily routine to shape your face, improve facial appearance, and reduce face fat
Excess body fat can also cause face fat, reduce it by doing regular cardio and increasing fat-burning
Drinking water can decrease calorie intake and can lead to increased metabolism which is significant in weight loss and fat burning
Excessive alcohol intake can be one of the biggest contributors to fat accumulation and bloating, which also leads to facial fat.
The study suggests that a healthy person should sleep 7-8 hours. Better sleep can help in lowering cortisol levels and regulating metabolism
Sodium causes fluid retention in the body, most commonly we use it as in table salt. Regulating or avoiding overconsumption can give better results
Many studies suggest that higher fibre intake is associated with increased weight loss since it keeps us feeling full for long
Chewing gums are like another type of facial exercise. For better results prefer sugarless chewing gums
Overall, a balanced diet is what helps you the most in your fat-loss journey the most. A balanced diet provides adequate amounts of nutrients necessary for good health.