10 Yoga Asanas To Release Negative Thoughts

Adho Mukha Svanasana

This pose helps to release tension in the shoulders and neck, which can be a common area for holding onto stress and negative emotions

Bal Asana

A gentle forward fold that helps to calm the mind and relieve stress

Virabhadr Asana II

This pose helps to build strength and confidence while also promoting focus and concentration

Vriksh Asana

A balancing pose that helps to improve focus and concentration while also promoting a sense of grounding

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

This pose helps to relieve tension in the lower back and promote a sense of calm

Paschimottan Asana

A gentle forward fold that helps to release tension in the spine and promote relaxation

Bhujang Asana

This pose helps to promote a sense of openness and release in the chest and heart

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

A breathing technique that helps to calm the mind and promote balance and harmony in the body

Ardha Kapotasana

A hip-opening pose that helps to release tension and negative emotions held in the hips and lower back


A final relaxation pose that allows the body and mind to fully let go and release any remaining tension or negativity


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