10 Yoga Asanas To Stay Fit In Winters

Ipsita Bhattacharya
Dec 13, 2023

Benefits Of Yoga In Winter

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa, shares, "Yoga in winter boosts flexibility, maintaining joint health amid the chill. Simple poses enhance circulation, combating cold-induced stiffness. Controlled breathing generates inner warmth, aiding overall body heat regulation. Regular practice fosters strength, crucial for winter resilience." (Pics: Freepik, Pexels)

Yoga To Beat Cold

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar says that asanas like Sun Salutation generate internal warmth, combating the cold. Deep breathing improves lung capacity, vital in chilly weather. "The practice also reduces stiffness and promotes joint mobility, crucial during colder months. Overall, yoga ensures a well-rounded fitness approach, adapting to seasonal changes with simplicity and effectiveness," he adds.


Stand tall with feet together, and arms at your sides. This is the Mountain Pose or Tadasana.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Practice Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog by forming an inverted V, with hands and feet on the mat.

Virabhadrasana I

Step one foot back, bend the front knee, arms raised overhead. This is Warrior I Pose or Virabhadrasana I.


Practice Child's Pose or Balasana by kneeling, sitting back on your heels, and stretching your arms forward on the mat.


Balance on one leg, and place the sole of the other foot on the inner thigh or calf. This is called Tree Pose or Vrikshasana.

Setu Bandhasana

In Bridge Pose or Setu Bandhasana, lie on your back, and lift your hips toward the ceiling.


In Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend, sit straight, stretch your legs forward, and reach for your toes.


In Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose, lie on your stomach, and lift your chest using arm strength.


Also known as Chair Pose, in Utkasana, sit back as if in an imaginary chair, with your arms raised.


Lie on your back, arms by your sides, and focus on deep, calming breaths. This is known as Corpse Pose or Shavasana.

Stay Fit In Winter

So practice these asanas advised by Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar to keep fit and warm during the winter. But remember to consult your doctor and other experts if you have any health issues and/or are beginning a new exercise regime.


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