5 Drinks For A Happy Liver

As the summer season is in full swing, everyone is looking out for tasteful and flavorful beverages. Why not choose something which provides taste as well as detoxifying to quench their thirst? Here are some organic juice options listed by Ajeet Godara, Co-Founder, Natureland Organics, that may help you improve your liver and your overall health. (Pic: Freepik)

Jamun Juice

Sip on some jamun juice, the low-calorie wonder fruit that's also a liver superhero! Packed with vitamin A, vitamin C and many more nutrients. (Pic: Freepik)

A Liver's Best Buddy

It also helps increase Hemoglobin, treats digestive problems and is a strong shield against liver disorders. It's a tasty treat with added health benefits. (Pic: Freepik)

Lemon Juice

Say hello to lemons! They're not just for lemonade – they're your liver's best friend. It contains vitamin C, antioxidants, and electrolytes like potassium, aiding hydration and boosting immunity. (Pic: Freepik)

A Zesty Boost for Your Liver

Lemonade also helps to control weight. Keep your skin glowing and your metabolism happy with a splash of lemon in your water or a refreshing summer drink. (Pic: Freepik)

Beetroot Juice

The famous beetroot tonic is rich in betaine, which supports liver function and aids in digestion by promoting bile flow. (Pic: Freepik)

Your Liver's Cleanse Companion

It also contains nitrates, which help lower blood pressure, along with antioxidants like vitamin C and battalions, offering anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. (Pic: Freepik)

Amla Juice

Meet amla, the superhero of Vitamin C! Amla juice is packed with antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, supporting immune function and skin health. (Pic: Unsplash)

The Vitamin C Powerhouse

It also contains essential minerals like calcium and iron, promoting bone health and improving haemoglobin levels. Additionally, amla juice aids digestion, boosts metabolism and enhances hair health due to its rich nutrient profile. (Pic: Freepik)

Green Tea

Indulging in the soothing goodness of green tea, green tea contains antioxidants called catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which have been shown to protect liver cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. (Pic: Freepik)

The Antioxidant Elixir

It also contains polyphenols, which help reduce fat buildup in the liver, aiding in the prevention of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Additionally, green tea promotes liver health by supporting the detoxification process and reducing the risk of liver diseases such as liver cancer and cirrhosis. (Pic: Freepik)


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