5 Hidden Gems in Rishikesh Yet to Be Explored

Ravishing Rishikesh

Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas along the Ganges River, Rishikesh has many hidden gems.

1. Vashishta Gufa (Cave)

Located about 25 kilometers from Rishikesh, this cave is where the great sage Vashishta is said to have meditated. It offers a serene and spiritual atmosphere away from the bustling town.

2. Neer Garh Waterfall

A beautiful waterfall located on the outskirts of Rishikesh, Neer Garh offers a peaceful retreat amidst lush greenery. It's a great place for a quiet picnic or to just relax and enjoy nature.

3. Phool Chatti Ashram

This ashram is slightly away from the main town and offers yoga and meditation retreats in a tranquil setting by the banks of the Ganges. It's perfect for those seeking a deeper spiritual experience.

4. Kaudiyala

Known for its breathtaking views and adventurous white-water rafting opportunities, Kaudiyala is a bit further upstream from Rishikesh. It's ideal for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

5. Beatles Ashram (Chaurasi Kutia)

While not exactly hidden anymore, this ashram gained fame when 'The Beatles' stayed here in the 1960s. It's now abandoned but open to visitors, offering a glimpse into a bygone era of spiritual exploration and creativity.


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