5 Incredible Animals That Can Regenerate Limbs

Gunjan D. Bidani
Jun 18, 2024

Regrow A Limb

Regeneration of limbs is a fascinating ability exhibited by several animals, allowing them to regrow lost or damaged body parts. Here are five incredible animals known for their remarkable limb regeneration capabilities:


Axolotls are aquatic salamanders native to Mexico. They are perhaps the most famous for their ability to regenerate not only limbs but also parts of their spinal cord, eyes, and even parts of their brain. They can completely regenerate a limb within a few months after amputation.


Starfish have the ability to regenerate lost arms. Some species can regenerate an entire new body from a single arm and a portion of the central disc. This process can take several months to a few years depending on the species and conditions.


Planarians are freshwater flatworms capable of regenerating entire individuals from fragments of their bodies. They can regrow their heads, tails, and any other part of their body, demonstrating a high level of regeneration capability.


Certain species of crabs, such as the fiddler crab and the European green crab, are known for their ability to regenerate limbs, particularly their claws. This allows them to recover from injuries or predator attacks in their natural habitats.


Some species of geckos can grow a new tail over time. The regenerated tail, however, may not be identical to the original in terms of appearance.


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