6 Ingredients To Cool Your Body During Summer (Image: Freepik)

Surbhi Sinha
May 26, 2024

Temperature is rising day by day and heatwaves are hitting most parts of the country. At this time, it is very important to take food supplements that keep your body cool. (Image: Freepik)


Coriander also known as Dhaniya in Indian houses are one of the most common things in Indian Thali but eating it in Summer especially, keeps your body cool. (Image: Freepik)


Mint also known as 'Pudina' is an excellent ingredient to add to your diet to keep your body cool during this summer. You can make a juice with fresh mint leaves or make a chutney and enjoy it with your paratha. (Image: Freepik)

Fennel Seeds

It is the most common mouth freshener that carries a cooling property. Fennel Seeds reduce acid reflux which resulted in cools the body from the inside-out. (Image: Freepik)

Fenugreek Seeds 

Fenugreek Seeds work to cure heat-related issues and also have cooling properties that reduce body temperature. You can soak them in water overnight and make a cooling drink. (Image: Freepik)


Tulsi is mostly famous for the treatment of cough, cold and flu but it is one of the best ayurvedic medicine to reduce body heat.  (Image: Freepik)


Mulethi is one of the most common remedies for cough and cold. When you chewed it you will feel the cooling sensation in the throat. (Image: Freepik)


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