6 Simple Ways To Reduce Food Waste

Jun 08, 2024

Check List

This is also known as 'kitchen code', yes you read it right! Make a checklist about what items you already have in your fridge before you go shopping to avoid buying too many groceries.

Meal Planning

Plan weekly meals to ensure healthy eating, prevent overbuying due to uncertainty, and coordinate ingredients for efficient use.

Avoid Waste

If you think you will be able to eat your leftovers later, then store them in the freezer to avoid waste. Keep your freezer organized so food doesn't get lost and wasted.

Food Storage

Reduce food waste by purchasing only what you can consume in a week and storing fruits and vegetables appropriately while keeping frozen options available.


Utilize backyard composting or small indoor containers to repurpose vegetable peels and minimize landfill waste while enriching garden soil.

Measure Your Portions

Reduce waste by cooking precise quantities using measurements, eliminating guesswork, and ensuring the right amount is prepared. (Images: Freepik)


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