6 Things You Should Never Put On Your Face

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 20, 2024


Although it has great exfoliating properties, sugar can be harsh on your skin. It could lead to skin irritation, redness, and dryness.


It can cause infections and burns. If you've ever put toothpaste on your pimples, you have probably noticed that they become red afterward.

Hot Water

Using hot water directly on your face dehydrates it and leaves it looking lifeless and parched. It might potentially result in a burn.


Putting fresh lemon slices or juice on your face could be more harmful than beneficial.

Hair Sprays

The ingredients in hair spray cause the skin's moisture content to drop. Over time, your skin will appear drab, dry, and ageing.


Its cleansing ingredients work wonders for hair, but they are harsh on the skin. Our face wash typically has kinder ingredients.


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