6 Ways to Increase Your IQ level

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 05, 2024

Have you ever wondered

if it’s possible to boost your IQ levels? Well, as it turns out, it may be possible with the right kind of intellectual training

What is an IQ level?

IQ, short for intelligence quotient, is a measure of a person’s mental ability and how it compares to that of their peers. This measurement was popularized in the 1900s by a French psychologist named Alfred Binet

Memory Activities

Memory activities don’t only improve memory but can also enhance reasoning and language skills

Executive Control Activities

Executive control is the ability to control complex cognitive activities and high-order functions, like making decisions, orienting attention, and organizing and managing tasks

Visuospatial Reasoning Activities

Visuospatial reasoning involves the mental processes related to physical representations. For example, reading and interpreting a map involves visual-spatial reasoning and processing.

Relational Skills

Relational frame theory argues that the building block of human language and higher cognition is relating, i.e. the human ability to create bidirectional links between things.

New languages

Learning multiple languages benefits the human brain — and the earlier, the better. However, the age at which you learn a new language may dictate whether or not the practice helps improve your intelligence.

Frequent Reading

The development benefits are even more pronounced when books become part of parental bonding activities. There’s no denying how beneficial books are in human cognitive development.


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