7 Amazing Facts About Peacocks

Priyanka Soam
Sep 14, 2024

Only Male Birds Are Peacocks

The term "peacock" refers to male birds only and the female is called peahens, and the babies are peachicks.

Peacock Feathers

Iconic feathers of peacocks are not just for the show, they are covered in microscopic crystal-like structures that help them to warn off predators and can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Peacocks Can Fly

Despite their large size and long tail, they are capable of flight and can speed up to 16 mph.


A group of peacocks, peahens, and peachicks is called "bevy."


The crest on top of the peacock's head is not only a decorative feature, it helps them to detect potential mates.


Peacocks are not born with their fancy tail feathers, they are born with dull, brown feathers and their tails begin to grow around 2-3 years old.

Life Span

Peafowl have been known to live a very long time, up to 50 years, while other wild animals live only about 25 years maximum, this is due to their adaptability and ability to thrive in a variety of environments.


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