7 Animals That Are Confused With Their Similar Look

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 23, 2024

Butterfly With Moth

Butterflies and moths are mistaken to be considered similar. Butterflies have closed wings and slender bodies whereas moths have furry, thicker bodies and have open wings.

Crocodile With Alligator

Both of them look mostly similar and that is why people confuse them. Crocodiles have V-shaped noses whereas alligators have U-shaped noses.

Rabbit With Hare

These cute little furries are also mistaken by many people. Rabbits have shorter ears and are smaller whereas hares are larger and up above ground.

Leopard With Cheetah

They are kook alike but leopards have rosette-shaped spots and are heavy whereas cheetahs have black stripes and are more slim.

Frogs With Toads

Other often confused animals are frogs and toads. But one thing to notice is frogs have long legs to jump and smooth skin whereas toads have shorter legs and bumpy skin.

Crow With Raven

They look extremely similar but crows have smaller cawing calls whereas ravens have larger croaking calls.

Dolphin With Popoise

To differ between dolphins and porpoises dolphins have curved dorsal fins whereas porpoises have triangular dorsal fins.


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