7 Best Indoor Plants That Purifies The Air Around

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 29, 2024

Golden Pothos

This easy-to-grow plant removes air pollutants and toxins which makes it a great addition to any room.

Peace Lily

With its beautiful white blooms, the peace lily not only beautifies your space but also purifies the air and promotes better breathing.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are simple to care for and effectively remove air pollutants which is why they are considered a popular choice for indoor spaces.

Chinese Evergreen

This low-maintenance plant is perfect for busy people, it helps purify the air and adds a touch of greenery to your home or office.

Aloe Vera

Known for its healing properties and medicinal values, aloe vera also purifies the air and can be used to soothe burns and skin irritations.

English Ivy

With its versatile, trailing vines, English ivy is a stylish and effective air-purifying plant for any room.

Snake Plant

Also known as mother-in-law's tongue, this plant is virtually indestructible and great at removing air toxins, which is why it is perfect for indoor spaces.


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