7 Best Salads To Keep You Energetic In Summer

All Picture credit: Pexels

Zee Media Bureau
Jun 14, 2024


It is a mixture of several ingredients healthy for your body specially during summer.

Fruit Salad

This will give you all the colors of summer in a bowl. It provides hydration refreshment as well as all the necessary vitamins to fight heat.

Watermelon And Tomato Salad

It is a very hydrating, cool and refreshing smoothie perfect antidote during summer.

Leafy Salad

It is a simple yet delicious treat for summer. The consumption of leafy salad will increase the fluid intake.

Lettuce And Strawberry Salad

It acts as a hydrating source and provides important vitamins. Strawberries give antioxidants which are vital to protect the body from free radicals.

Cucumber Mango Salad

It is a perfect combination of cold and sweet together. It is rich in both vitamins and fiber, it cleans your system and boosts energy.

Cucumber And Mint Salad

Easy to prepare this tasty salad. Cucumber keeps you hydrated throughout the day with mint together as a source of sustained energy plus vitamins.

Watermelon And Feta Cheese Salad

Just need three ingredients to make, watermelon with crumbled cheese and lemon juice with a pinch of salt and preferred herbs. Keep your body hydrated for a long time.


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