7 Bizarre Fruits That You May Not Know

Aug 18, 2024

1 Rambutan

This hairy-looking fruit is native to Southeast Asia and is closely related to the lychee. It has a spiky red or yellow shell, but inside, the flesh is sweet and juicy, similar to a grape.

2. Buddha's Hand:

This citrus fruit looks like a series of yellow, finger-like projections. It has a strong lemon fragrance and is often used as a natural air freshener or in zesting, but it lacks the juicy pulp typical of other citrus fruits.

3. Salak (Snake Fruit)

Native to Indonesia, salak is known for its reddish-brown scaly skin, resembling that of a snake. The flesh is crunchy and sweet, with a taste that is a mix of apple, banana, and pineapple.

4. Durian

Known as the "king of fruits" in Southeast Asia, durian has a strong smell that many find unpleasant, but its creamy, custard-like flesh is a delicacy.

5. Ackee

Native to West Africa and the national fruit of Jamaica, ackee looks like a bright red pod that opens to reveal soft, creamy yellow flesh. However, it can be toxic if not prepared properly, as unripe ackee contains hypoglycin, a poisonous compound.

6. Miracle Fruit

This small, red berry from West Africa is famous for its ability to make sour foods taste sweet. It contains a protein called miraculin, which temporarily alters taste perception, making even lemon taste like candy.

7. Jabuticaba

Found in Brazil, this fruit grows directly on the trunk of the tree, making it look like the tree is covered in grapes. The dark purple fruit has a sweet, grape-like flavor and is often used in jellies, wines, and liqueurs.


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