Known for its grassy taste and pale hue, green tea is crafted from unoxidized tea leaves.
Often bolder and more robust compared to other teas, black tea is frequently enjoyed with milk and sugar.
A classic Chinese tea, oolong ranges from light and floral to dark and roasted, offering a spectrum of flavours.
Crafted from youthful tea leaves and buds, white tea undergoes minimal processing, preserving its delicate taste.
Made of various herbs, flowers, fruits, and spices, herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, and rooibos are popular choices.
Developing nuanced flavours with age, pu-erh can be aged akin to fine wine and is prized for its earthy, sometimes musky profile.
A finely ground green tea powder, matcha is whisked with hot water instead of being steeped.